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Food & Nutrition Education Library Chair 

  • Oversee and manage the Nutrition Education Library and the Display Case on the 2nd floor of Human Ecology

  • Schedule and appoint committee members for office hours and/or appointments as needed

  • Organize Display Case displays throughout the year

  • Create and maintain an organized inventory of library items and track borrowed items

  • Add new inventory to the library as needed and/or requested

Food & Nutrition Education Library Committee

Display Case Creator

  • Hold a minimum of 2 office hours per week in the Nutrition Education Library (NEL)

  • Create display case material and organize display case set-up (bi-monthly)

  • Help with annual inventory

Inventory Manager 

  • Hold a minimum of 2 office hours per week in the Nutrition Education Library (NEL)

  • Keep a detailed list of NEL inventory, in charge of tracking returns and organizing annual inventory.

  • Help with display case set-up

Resource Purchaser 

  • Resource Purchaser: i. Hold a minimum of 2 office hours per week in the Nutrition Education Library (NEL) if conditions permit.

  • Record suggestions for supplies from students and create a yearly order of new books and nutrition education resources.

  • Help with display case set up.

  • Help with annual inventory.

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