Katelin Diehl
I'm Katelin Diehl, the Communications Co-Chair for NECO.
I'm currently in my second year of Human Nutritional Sciences (Dietetics Prep). This is my first year working with NECO. I never had that one dream career I was set on until I took my first nutrition class at the University of Regina. Ever since taking that class, I wanted to become a dietitian so that I could educate and help the community with nutrition.
My favourite hobbies include weightlifting, golfing, tennis and most physical activities. Some of my interests are cooking, baking, creating my own recipes, trying new foods and of course expanding my knowledge surrounding the study of nutrition.

Alli Jack
Hi everyone, I'm Alli!
I'm excited to be your Communications Co-chair for the 2022-2023 year. I'm completing my last year of the Human Nutritional Sciences program, and I hope to gain dietetic accreditation after graduation. Career-wise, I'm interested in many areas of nutrition. I can envision myself working in a clinical, research, or community setting.
I love spending time with my friends and family, especially when we share a delicious meal. In my free time, I enjoy reading, listening to audiobooks, and playing my Switch.

Communications Co - Chair
​The Communications Team of NECO will:
Organize and oversee all communications activities conducted by the committee
Provide and implement social media use guidelines
Keep a record of social media accounts and passwords
Schedule posts on social media
Communications Committee (3 positions)
​The Communications Committee members will:
This committee is chaired by the Communications Chairs who will oversee the committees’ activities and report to the Executive Council
The Communications Committee will engage in online platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram as well as create Blog content
This committee will hold up to 3 positions available each year to help the Chairs fulfill their scheduled activities